From Lenk to Schönried over the Rüwlissepass
Hiking from one ski resort to another along lonely trails.
The first part of the Rüwlissepass is a little-visited part of the Berner Oberland, and we might not meet many fellow hikers. The hike starts at Boden, just a train stop before Lenk, and goes steeply up to Lüss. From there it is more or less a level hike to Rüwlissepass with its duck pond and further on to Parweng to the Horneggli, where we take the cable car down to Schönried.
Starting point: Boden (near Lenk)
End point: Schönried
800 m
100 m
approx. 5 hours
Difficulty level
Price: CHF 50.–