1. Registration
Registration for hikes must be submitted via the contact form on the Green Trail Website: for one-day hikes two days before the hike, and for hikes with an overnight stay at least ten days before departure.
2. Prices and payment conditions
2.1. Prices
The prices of the hikes can be viewed on our Website. Unless otherwise indicated, all prices are stated per person.
2.2. Payment Conditions
The fee for the one-day hikes can be paid either by bank transfer or directly after the hike. Hikes with at least one overnight stay must be paid at least five days before departure. In the event of cancellation later than three days before departure, 80% of the amount must be paid.
3. Programme changes before departure
Green Trail reserves the right to alter or cancel the hike according to weather or path conditions, or in the event of the guide’s inability to perform the hike. Any changes to the programme will be communicated to the participants by e-mail by the evening before the hike at the latest.
Requirements are indicated in the description of the individual hikes, and participants are responsible for assessing their own physical abilities and health. For safety reasons and out of consideration for the other participants, I as the hike leader reserve the right to refuse to allow registered individuals who do not meet the requirements or are inappropriately equipped to participate in the hike.
5. Insurance
Accident and liability insurance is the responsibility of the hiker.
6. Group size
Our groups usually vary in size between 2 and 15 hikers.
Place of jurisdiction is Berne.
Berne, September 2012