easy hike: No long ascents or descents; in general broad hiking trails; sports shoes are fine.
medium hike: Some longer or ascents or descents; in general on good hiking trails; trekking shoes with griping soles are required.
difficult hike: Longer and steep ascents and descents; narrow hiking trails; for some hikes you should be surefooted and not be afraid of heights; solid hiking boots; no sports shoes please.
To take with you:
- rain jacket/trousers, umbrella (even on a sunny day, the weather in the mountains may change rapidly)
- fleece jacket (even on a hot summer day, see above)
- sunglasses, sun cream and sunhat
- 1 litre to drink, for longer hikes 2 litres
- lunch and snacks
- hiking poles (recommended)
Pack as lightly as possible; a small rucksack is easier to carry